“I felt someone believed me, someone understood me. I’ve been to many courses, spent hours listening to advice but it never connected. That’s the big difference for me with Gentles Guidance; you connect the dots and it gives us the opportunity to understand how to support the children and make a real difference to their lives.”

Special Guardian - London

You supported my child who was refusing to go to school and helped her to recognise her own emotions and be able to manage her anxiety so that she has now returned to full time school again and is happy in education. Not only that but as a parent you were a great support to me in person and constant communication, especially on the bad days. Thank you so much for helping me recognise how to support my daughter in a way that was beneficial to her. I would recommend Gentle Guidance to anyone with a child who struggles with any aspect of school and home life.

Parent - London

“Your expertise, commitment, enthusiasm and the support that you have given us as a school, our children and our parents has been second to none…the instant advice and support you have provided whenever we have faced challenging behaviours, for which I can not thank you enough. Equipping school staff with knowledge, skills and the tools, will enable us to support a higher number of children coming through our doors who are presenting with difficult, challenging behaviours”

SENCO - London

“You have been pivotal to my son’s journey and success…you get him and that in it’s self is worth it’s weight in gold”

Parent - Birmingham

“This training should be an essential strand through the whole of teacher training”

ECT - Liverpool

“You’re clearly very passionate and a brilliant teacher - Children need more people like you”

ECT - Coventry

“The support was outstanding and experience very positive for all staff involved”

Head Teacher - London

“Marie gave me that hope back, it was a rush of emotion. Thank you”

Parent - Cheshire

“Your enthusiasm was inspiring, making everything seem manageable”

ECT - Leeds

“Thank you so much - you have blown me away with your knowledge, plus your openness and vulnerability to share”

Parent - Liverpool

“The guidance I received was incredibly informative. I found every aspect of it really useful and have come away with a much better understanding of how I can help the children in my class and read Behaviour as Communication. As an ECT this was so valuable and Marie explained things so clearly and gave me great tools to use in the classroom”

ECT - London

“Thank you SO much for your ideas regarding the Behaviour Group. The main thing is that they’re still in school and are planning to be there to get their GCSE results!

Chair of Governors - London

“You make up a bigger picture and connect the dots”

Secondary school Teacher - Northampton

“Marie delivers such an amazing session, the whole experience was beneficial”

Primary school Teacher

“Following watching the BBC programme ‘Don’t Exclude Me’, it was so good to have this training…You have given us a frame work, hope and network”

Parent - Warwick

“A difficult parent completely won over and reassured by Marie”

SENCO - East London

“You are a fantastic communicator and I enjoyed working with you - you make everyone feel safe and confident”

Headteacher - Kent

“A truly refreshing training experience, please come back!”

Teaching Assistant - Nottingham

“Marie, your passion and drive to deliver a package of care that aims to provide the ingredients children need to thrive is palpable and was inspiring to watch.  Your non-judgemental “no blame, no shame” approach in itself is an expression of acceptance and warmth toward those charged with their care and I think is fundamental to restoring hope to the disenfranchised.  

I can see how your methods are accessible at every level.  At the individual, 1-1 level between child and parents, teachers, carers and support workers;  at a team or agency level within educational, therapeutic or professional settings as well as being appropriate for effecting complete cultural change within whole organisational settings.  I love how you express the importance of multi-agency working for the ‘wrap around’ affect. 

It is so clear that the child’s needs are front and centre of everything that you do. Every method and intervention you described is heavily laced with a big dollop of warmth and safety which are delivered in a clear, compassionate and consistent way. It is clear that your aim is to provide the foundations that will enable a child to develop emotional safety and self-confidence that will give them the platform in which they can propel themselves forward into fulfilling their full potential. Super impressed and privileged to have been able to attend today. You managed to cram so much in am hoping a book is on its way soon.”

Aideen - Training attendee

“This was one of the best training sessions I have attended for a long time. The fact that Marie has worked with these children really helped with discussions and enabled the staff to feel heard and understood.”

Early Years practitioner - Lincoln

“…I definitely feel I have a much better understanding on how to support our children presenting with difficult, challenging behaviours.”

ECT - Bristol

“Since having the support of Gentles Guidance, I think I understand our children better and why they do what they do. We really do see their behaviour as communication now.”

Parent - London

“Everyone working with children should have this guidance. It gets you thinking outside the box and makes dealing with challenging behaviour much more manageable. 5 stars!”

Secondary Teacher - Hertfordshire

“We have continued to use your strategies with some spectacular results with such positive outcomes. Some pupils you might remember too are now excelling! Our support staff’s attitudes have completely changed especially with the middays. I just wanted to thank you for the training. It was a real game changer for us…”

SENDCo - East London

“I have changed my mindset on behaviour to see the bigger picture.”

Teaching Assistant - Manchester

“I’d never heard of Gentles Guidance before you worked with our family but now I’d definitely advocate for it where ever I go!”

Parent - London

“Marie is extremely enthusiastic and knowledgeable about what she does. She is extremely positive and passes no judgement.”

Primary School Teacher - Southend

“Marie is so passionate about sharing her knowledge. She helped things make sense and I understand how to manage behaviour so much better now.”

PRU Teacher - Surrey